We actively support our customers through their Pre Start Health and Safety Reviews (PSR or PSHSR) by making connections, providing information and facilitating communication.

In some locations, it is required that before workers can operate any machinery, equipment or processes in complex or hazardous situations, an employer must first have a report prepared by a licensed professional engineer. This report is called a Pre-Start Health and Safety Review and it indicates what measures need to be taken in order to meet code and ensure that the equipment or process is safe.
The review is typically done at the final manufacturing location; however, a preliminary review at the design phase or at the machine manufacturer’s location can be advantageous as changes or modifications are more easily implemented prior to final installation.
The PSHSR is a written report detailing measures necessary to bring the machine or process into compliance with applicable safety standards. The report typically contains a risk and hazard analysis as prescribed in the applicable standards. Recommendations can include minimum design parameters such as safety circuit schematic revisions, component suggestions and conceptual sketches of physical guarding required to achieve compliance, plus applicable sections of electrical and/or machine guarding standards.
A Letter of Compliance can also be provided following a final inspection of equipment, prior to operation. This includes a final review of the installation, after non-compliance issues have been addressed, to determine compliance.

The following is a list of common triggers for a PSHSR:
- When the following protective elements are used:
- Light curtains and screens
- Area scanning systems
- Radio frequency systems and capacitance systems
- Safety mat systems
- Two-hand controls
- barrier guards using interlocked electrical or mechanical safeguards
- When a building, room or area is used to store or dispense flammable liquids
- When racking or stacking structures are used to store material
- Where processes that involve a risk of ignition or explosion are installed or modified
- When a dust collector is used that involves a risk of ignition or explosion
- When a factory produces aluminum or steel, or a factory that is a foundry
- When a lifting device, traveling crane or automobile hoist is installed or modified
- When a process uses or produces a substance (i.e. chemical) that may result in the overexposure of a worker to prescribed limits
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