Magnum upgrades and modifies a variety of conveyor systems, cranes, lift assists and tooling fixtures to improve safety, productivity, and efficiency.

The requirements for any system or piece of equipment may change over time, but updates and modernizations are an economic alternative to investing in entirely new solutions.
Modifications range from small tooling changes, to suit changes in part profiles and configurations, to large system alterations to accommodate new plant processes and layouts.
Old systems may be modernized using refurbished components combined with new parts and features. We will evaluate what is suitable for reuse, what parts may be repaired, and what parts need to be replaced. Salvaging and repurposing old equipment to build a new modern system is a great way to minimize costs.

New updated features include:
- Shortening, lengthening or rerouting conveyor to suit new layouts
- Faster drives
- Larger structure and structural reinforcement
- Safety guarding, light curtains and area scanners
- Increased capacities
- Adaptive tooling
- Control systems
- Programming changes
- RFID tracking
- Error proofing
- LED lighting retrofits
- Refurbished chain, hoists, trolleys, drives and take-ups
System Modifications
Magnum upgrades and modifies a variety of conveyor systems, cranes, lift assists and tooling fixtures to improve safety, productivity, and efficiency. Upgrade The requirements for any system or [...]
Turnkey Design and Installation
Magnum has many years of combined experience in a wide range of disciplines including systems, structural, tooling and controls design. We are committed to working closely with our customers to provide the most appropriate [...]
Spare Parts
Spare parts are critical to the successful operation of the modern factory. Without a spare part, the failure of a simple component is capable of shutting down operations for days. [...]
Maintenance is important, but that doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. Resources are commonly insufficient in today’s streamlined organizations and plant managers deal with one fire after another, often requiring maintenance to [...]
Pre-Start Reviews
We actively support our customers through their Pre Start Health and Safety Reviews (PSR or PSHSR) by making connections, providing information and facilitating communication. Safety In some locations, [...]
Magnum designs and fabricates controls systems and custom control panels across a host of industries and a range of applications. Experience We provide complete control systems solutions, which [...]